Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week of January 20

Our weekly reading story is Weslandia. Students will be working on drawing conclusions by using their own knowledge and clues from the text. In stations, students are working on comprehending non-fiction texts and identifying various features, using figurative language to draw meaning from texts, and identifying the author’s purpose.

Reading Counts:
As a reminder, all students need to earn at least 30 Reading Counts points this 9 weeks. The deadline for this goal is MONDAY, March 10. They can take quizzes at the beginning or end of the school day, during reading stations, and at recess when I do not have recess duty.


This week we will be finishing up Unit 8, which covers fractions, fractions, and more fractions! The Unit 8 test will be given on FRIDAY. We will work on the study guide together in class on Thursday. However, if students do not finish the study guide it is homework Thursday night. Last week the concepts that students seemed to struggle with the most were 1) adding/subtracting with mixed numbers and 2)  finding the common denominators in order to add/subtract fractions. These are just some suggestions to use while studying J


Last week we worked with Mrs. Copeland on responding to prompts with an organized and detailed response. Mrs. Copeland and I have been meeting with students to compare students’ response to the prompt last year in the fourth grade, with students’ written response they have developed this past week. We will also begin working on compare and contrast writing this week. Students will begin to draft a compare and contrast writing that compares the traits of 2 different animals.

Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for Westlandia.

Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.

Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!

Other Notes:

                You may have noticed that there are no grades up yet. I am having trouble getting into the system to enter grades, but am hoping to get this technological problem fixed within the next few days J Grades should be available by the end of this week!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Miss Hetzner

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