Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Second Week of December

Reading: Our weekly reading story is The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins. Students will be working on using evidence in the text to make valid predictions. In stations, students are working on asking clarifying questions while reading, fluency, comprehending nonfiction texts, and identifying the main idea of a text.  It is also a benchmark week for DIBELS testing. Results will be communicated once middle of the year scores have been identified.

Reading Counts: As a reminder, all students need to earn at least 30 Reading Counts points this 9 weeks. The deadline for this goal is MONDAY, December 9. They can take quizzes at the beginning or end of the school day, during reading stations, and at recess when I do not have recess duty.

Math: We have skipped unit 7 and are moving on to unit 8 in math. This unit is more fractions. Students will continue to work on comparing, ordering, adding, and subtracting fractions. The pre-tests demonstrate that we have a lot of work to do, but I am confident that we will get there! If you have not had a chance to log onto the Everyday math website, there are some great games for students to play to practice the skills we are learning in class. I HIGHLY suggest students playing Fraction Of and Build It online!

Writing: On Monday, we completed a district-wide prompt. This week, we will work on improving our prompt writing by practicing the skills taught during Organization Week  (impactful beginnings and endings, transitions, sequence, etc.). Students will not look at their writing and improve it. I will average the grades together for a new grade. Students will also learn more about identifying prepositions and incorporating them into their writing to make it more descriptive.

 Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins.

Bully: The students recently brainstormed a list of bully topics that we need to address in our classroom. This week, we will be reading The Invisible Boy and completing an activity to address exclusion at recess.

 Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.

 Science: Please contact Mrs. Pfister for an update in this subject!

Other Notes:

·         Graded papers: I found a stack of graded papers that were never filed when Miss Scott was here, so you may see some older papers this week in Tuesday folders.

·         This week concludes our Acuity B testing.

·         Students completed a vision screening. The results of this screening will come home this week in Tuesday folders.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Pfahler

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