Monday, May 19, 2014

Week of May 19th

Week of May 19

Happy Monday!
I hope everyone enjoyed another weekend of beautiful weather :)

Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is The Hindenburg. As we read this story we will focus on identifying facts and opinions throughout the text. We will continue our study of text structures, and will practice identifying these in various picture books I think the students will enjoy. In stations this week students will continue to work on fluency, as well as ordering and justifying "just right" words. Students will also practice identifying nonfiction text features and identifying facts and opinions independently. In guided reading, students will read Birds and Planes: An Unhappy Rendezvous in the Sky and answer comprehension questions using text based evidence.

Math: We have officially finished all of our Everyday Math Units! I can't believe it. As a fifth grade team, we have decided to focus on long division this week. This is a concept that the majority of students struggle with, and one that they will need to know in middle school. Some students are stressed because we are teaching them through the long division method. Although many students use a different method that works for them, we are emphasizing this specific method because this is something they will be expected to know in middle school.
Writing: This week we will wrap up our compare and contrast writing unit. Students' compare and contrast writings will be due tomorrow. Students were given class time today to work on these. I have told students that Character Essays will be due this Wednesday. They do not have to be typed, but I am encouraging students who finish early to do so. This week we will begin our State Research Projects. I will introduce these to students on Wednesday. This project will require students to create three different types of writing pieces. I think students will really enjoy these!

Other Notes:

**Reading Counts: Just a reminder, all students must have 30 reading counts points by May 30.
**The fifth grade ISTEP celebration was cancelled last week. It has been rescheduled for this Wednesday from 1:55-2:55.
**As a fifth grade, we will be holding another round of "Battle of the Books". Students were able to meet with their groups today and decide on books. This will be a fun way to end the year and encourage students to keep reading!
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Miss Hetzner

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