Monday, March 3, 2014

Week of March 3rd

Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S Titanic. I think the students will really enjoy this story! We will practice using the graphic sources in the text to help us better understand what we are reading. In stations, students will work on finding the main idea and supporting details, using details from texts to make inferences, analyzing characters in the texts we read, and responding to nonfiction texts with constructed responses.


Math: Students will take the Unit 10 test on Monday. This week we will begin Unit 11, which covers finding the volume of various 3D shapes. Throughout the unit we will practice identifying the various properties (surfaces, edges, vertices) of the different shapes (cylinders, prisms, pyramids, cones, cubes). Students will learn to calculate surface area, volume, and capacity.


Writing: This week in writing students will look at past writing pieces to evaluate the six writing traits. I will also finish conferencing with students regarding their writing prompt from a few weeks ago. We will also spend a day working on developing “catchy” titles. On Thursday, we will be dressing up as the “ISTEP Lady”. This will be a fun day to celebrate all of our hard work in writing over the last month! We will discuss what our ISTEP lady wants us to remember and each student will add a post-it with the most important thing they want to remember in regards to their writing.


Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S Titanic.


Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.


Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!


Other Notes:

*We will be holding Battle of the Books next Monday, March 10th. Therefore, students will be expected to turn in all summaries for their Battle Books and take all quizzes by this Friday. I will allow students time in the morning to take these quizzes, and also during recess.


*Reading Counts is due next Monday, March 10th as well. I will allow students to work on these quizzes in the morning and during recess.

*We will have the ISTEP pep rally this Friday in the K-Lab from 2:40-3:15. It will be a lot of fun! If any parents would like to donate snacks for ISTEP please have students bring them in this week. I will be providing students with snacks every morning, but if you would like to contribute that would be wonderful! Also, I have received quite a few letters from parents to give to students during ISTEP week. If you would like your child to have one please feel free to turn them in to me this week! I will be writing a letter to each student, but I’m sure they would love some words of encouragement from home J




Please contact me with any questions or concerns,


Miss Hetzner


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