Monday, February 3, 2014

Week of February 3rd

Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is Exploding Ants. This week in reading we will be focusing on word choice, making inferences, and the use of figurative language in texts. We have worked on all of these over the past couple weeks, but these are all things we need
extra practice with!  I am confident that after a week of hard work all students will be pros J



Math: This week in math we will be continue our work with area. Last week we studied finding the area of rectangles. This week will work on finding the area of triangles, parallelograms, etc. This can be a very tricky concept! I have encouraged students to bring home their student reference books in case these may be of help when working on Study Links.



Writing: This week in writing students will practice brainstorming and planning. We did some practice with this today and the students did great! Towards the end of the week we will focus on the organization of our writing. Students will work on tying beginnings to endings and doing so in a way that will HOOK our readers.  



Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for Exploding Ants.



Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.



Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!


Other Notes:


Many students still need to turn in their permission slips and $4 in order to roller skate in gym. I have only received these from a few students. These are due Friday! J


If any parents would like to donate to our Valentine’s Day party, or volunteer to help out please feel free to email me! I have two parents that have volunteered to organize the party, but any extra help is always appreciated. Thank you!


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


Miss Hetzner

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