Monday, February 24, 2014

Week of February 24th


Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is The Skunk Ladder. This week we will spend a lot of time reviewing character and plot. I have picked out some picture books we will use to review plot. I think the students will really enjoy these! In stations students will work on determining the meaning of figurative language in texts, reading and responding to nonfiction texts, and asking questions in order to gain a deeper understanding of texts.


Math: Last week students worked very hard with prealgebraic equations. I will be incorporating this concept in stations throughout the week so that students will have continued practice with this, as I know it was one of the trickier concepts we have worked with. This week students will work on reading and analyzing graphs and also finding the circumferences of circles. Students will have their Unit 10 test next Monday, March 3rd. Therefore students’ study guides will be due Friday so that we can review for the test that day.


Writing: This week in writing we will work on using transitions. I really want students to work on incorporating smooth transitions that help readers move from paragraph to paragraph. This week students will also be given the required district-wide writing prompt.


Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for The Skunk Ladder.


Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.


Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!

Other Notes:


Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Miss Hetzner

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week of February 17th

Week of February 17th
I hope everyone had a wonderful and LONG weekend! :)
Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is The Gymnast. We will work on drawing conclusions from the text and will also practice using pictures in the story to help us visualize. These are both tools that will help students as we practice reading with accuracy and comprehending the texts we read.
Students have been working extremely hard over the past couple weeks on writing constructed responses over the texts we read. We have focused on using evidence from the texts to support our answers. This week students will show off what they have learned in a constructed response contest!
Students did an amazing job analyzing poetry in stations last week. We will continue analyzing a few different poems as a class to make sure this is a skill we have mastered!
Math: We will begin Unit 10 this week, which will introduce students to prealgebra concepts and skills. Students will use Hands-On equations, which means making sure that the value of one side must equal the value on the other side (in order to find the value of x). We will be using Hands-On equations instead of the pan-balance model that is used in Lessons 10.1 and 10.2 of Everyday Math. Students will still have Math Boxes as homework, but will have separate homework instead of completing the Study Links for these two lessons. Unit 10 will also cover representing relationships as algebraic expressions, generating input-output tables, and linking data in tables to corresponding points on coordinate graphs.
Writing: Last week students responded to writing prompt “My New Business” using the writing process we have worked on over the last couple weeks. This week in writing we will use this prompt to practice rereading and editing our writing. I will be conferencing with students individually to discuss what students did well and also to pick two things students would like to improve.
Bullying: This week we will finish making our “My Roar Is..” posters. I have been extremely impressed with these! Students have taken this seriously and have really used this opportunity to reflect on how they can take a stand against bullying. I am so proud of them. Once these statements are complete we will be able to work on some choreography for our “Roar” dance.
Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for The Gymnast.
Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.
Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!
Other Notes:
I will be handing back Spelling Tests and Unit 9 Math Tests on Tuesday. Students who have scored a C or below on the tests can make corrections on a separate sheet of paper and return these to me no later than Friday.
I am still using Mrs. Pfahler’s email currently. However, I am hoping to get mine set up no later than Wednesday. I will be sure to send an email to all parents when this happens. I know some parents have emailed my school email address and have not heard back. This is because I have not been able to access mine yet. I apologize for any confusion! Please contact me on Mrs. Pfahler’s email if you have any questions or concerns.
This Friday our wonderful “Juggling Masters” will perform from 2:00 to 3:00pm in the K-Lab!
Please contact me with any questions or concerns,
Miss Hetzner

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week of February 10th

Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is The Stormi Giovanni Club. Students will work on making generalizations as we read this text. This week we will also focus on analyzing poetry. We will practice finding the theme and meaning of words or phrases in various poems.

Math: This week in math we will be finish Unit 9. The Unit 9 test will be on Friday. Students received their study guides today and are expected to have them completed by class on Thursday. This will make it possible for us to go over the study guide Thursday in class. In class today we reviewed finding the base and height of triangles and plugging these in to the area formula. This is a concept students need some extra practice in.

Writing: This week in writing students are working on developing a strong beginning. Students shared some of their writing in class today and I was very impressed! This week we will work on connecting these STRONG beginnings to an strong ending. Students will also work on adding details, details, and more details to their writing! We worked on using vivid word choice today and this is something I am encouraging all students to think about and implement as they write.

Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for The Stormi Giovanni Club.


Social Studies: Students will be taking Social Studies acuity this Thursday at 1:20pm.  


Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!

Other Notes:

We will have our Valentine’s Day Party this Friday at the end of the day. I have encouraged students to bring Valentine’s to hand out to their classmates if they would like. I will have bags for students to put the Valentines in. If students would like to decorate their own and bring them in they are welcome to do that J

This week all classes are participating in “Reuse-A-Shoe. Students will have until Friday to bring in old shoes. These shoes will be shipped to Third World Countries where they will be reused by men, women, and children to work and play in. Students should have received a pink slip with this information.

As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Miss Hetzner

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week of February 3rd

Reading: Our weekly reading story this week is Exploding Ants. This week in reading we will be focusing on word choice, making inferences, and the use of figurative language in texts. We have worked on all of these over the past couple weeks, but these are all things we need
extra practice with!  I am confident that after a week of hard work all students will be pros J



Math: This week in math we will be continue our work with area. Last week we studied finding the area of rectangles. This week will work on finding the area of triangles, parallelograms, etc. This can be a very tricky concept! I have encouraged students to bring home their student reference books in case these may be of help when working on Study Links.



Writing: This week in writing students will practice brainstorming and planning. We did some practice with this today and the students did great! Towards the end of the week we will focus on the organization of our writing. Students will work on tying beginnings to endings and doing so in a way that will HOOK our readers.  



Spelling: Students will have a spelling test on Thursday over the words for Exploding Ants.



Social Studies: Please contact your child’s Social Studies teacher for an update in this subject.



Science: Please contact Mrs. Smith for an update in this subject!


Other Notes:


Many students still need to turn in their permission slips and $4 in order to roller skate in gym. I have only received these from a few students. These are due Friday! J


If any parents would like to donate to our Valentine’s Day party, or volunteer to help out please feel free to email me! I have two parents that have volunteered to organize the party, but any extra help is always appreciated. Thank you!


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!


Miss Hetzner