Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9-13 in Review

Math: Students will be tested over Chapter 2 on Tuesday. Monday will be the review for the test. The students will then move onto Chapter 3. The first few lessons will focus on looking at text, tables, graphs and more and interpreting those with math skills. On Friday we will get into exploring angles.

Science: Students will be tested over Chapter 1 on Tuesday. Monday will be spent reviewing for the test. Chapter 2 will be introduced on Thursday. Both Thursday and Friday will be spent taking notes and discovering new terms that relate to chemistry.

Reading: We are taking a break from our main reading texts and are exploring a book called Number the Stars. We will be doing a book club with this text. We will have this week and next to read the book. During that time there will be no spelling tests or regular worksheets regarding spelling or vocabulary.  The students will be able to choose a track to be on for completing the book. The students will also learn some background information about Denmark and WWII.

Writing: As a continuation from each week, we will focus on reviewing and improving our 6+1 traits. This week we will focus on grammar, adverbs, continuing ideas in writing, and organization. The students will take a grammar quiz on Wednesday.  

Bully: We will be doing a teambuilding activity this week. It is important for students to be able to work together and to build positive relationships. This type of activity helps students grow and think about how teamwork affects schoolwork.

Social Studies: Please ask your child's social studies teacher for an update of this subject.

 Special Announcements!

As mentioned above, we will have no spelling tests for this week and next. We sent out midterms on Friday. If you did not receive one, then your student has all grades above a “D”  in each subject. We highly encourage you to look up your child’s grades so that you have an idea of how they are doing. If you would like a midterm to be printed for you, then please let us know!

We had a great day at Step-a-Thon on Friday. Our class worked very hard and several students had a couple thousand steps. Please remember that the pledges are due on September 16. We need to have the envelopes back at school that day.

September 30th marks the last day for students to have 20 points towards Reading Counts. Encourage your child to read daily, which they should be doing already, and have them read for more points.

On Friday, we had our student council elections! We had a strong group of students run and a close race! We were very proud of all of our candidates!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions!!!
Mrs. Pfahler and Miss Scott

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