Monday, August 26, 2013

Week of August 26-30

Here's a review of this week's events!
Special Events:
Riley Week: The BHS Chain Link is doing a district-wide fundraiser to raise money for Riley Hospital. Students in elementary school are encouraged to bring in spare change to donate to the hospital. A red chain will be created to show how much money was raised.
Step-a-Thon Fundraiser Kick-Off: On Friday, Mrs. Wise will be coming to our classroom to discuss this year's Step-a-Thon fundraiser. This fundraiser is our Parent Support Group's primary fundraiser, so we need this event to be as successful as possible! Your child should bring home information about the fundraiser on Friday.

Math: Students will complete the next five lessons in Unit 2 this week focusing on addition and subtraction number stories, finding landmarks for a set of data, estimating, and probability.
Science: Students will learn about many new science terms this week including molecules, compounds, mixtures, and solutions. At the end of the week, they will complete an exciting investigation about how to separate oxygen from hydrogen in water.
Reading: This week in reading is crammed-full with lots of lessons! The skill for the week is identifying facts and opinions. The strategy for the week is questioning. The reading story for the week is Satchel Paige.  We will also be focusing on responding to a text using the APE strategy (Answer the Question, Prove It, Extend) that they learned in fourth grade.
Writing: We will continue to review our 6 traits and will focus on some areas of writing conventions. Students will learn about choosing the correct word (degrees of meaning), compound and complex sentences, and verbs and adverbs.
Bully: Our weekly bully lesson this week will focus on teambuilding. We have been working a lot so far this year on evaluating our friendships and knowing how to make and maintain POSITIVE friendships.
Social Studies: Please ask your child's social studies teacher for an update of this subject.

As always, let us know if you have any questions!!
Mrs. Pfahler and Miss Scott

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